Meet the Author

Wade Bergner is an award-winning children’s author and founder of The Emotional Agility Matters Children’s Series. His books are designed to instill self-worth, connection, and emotional agility in young minds. Wade’s read-along stories help create a comfortable space for families and children to discuss their emotional challenges and questions. He sincerely hopes his stories bring joy to every reader, child, and adult.

Wade lives in Eau Claire Wisconsin and is the father of two wonderful young men, Leo & Max. Wade is an avid runner and endurance athlete who thoroughly enjoys the outdoors!

Why Emotional Agility Matters

As a child, Wade was labeled with a reading disability, this label etched a level of empathy within him that runs deep. His misplaced self-worth created unnecessary stress and disconnect in his life. He leaned into overworking, out-hustling, and chasing something that was never outside of him (or any of us) that being self-worth. What may have appeared to others as a constructive approach to evolve or succeed in life, was without question an unhealthy and unbalanced approach to life.

Through his evolution, he’s come to understand that a child’s mind is like a new computer, devouring all information that crosses their path (good and bad). At a child’s early development stage, they’re desperately seeking guidance in hope of formulating an identity that will serve them.

Studies have shown that by the time a child reaches the age of 18, they have heard, “don’t do” or “don’t say” over 150,000 times, compared to less than 2,000 words associated with encouragement, self-worth, and belief. This ratio raises havoc on a child’s subconscious mind as they seek to mold their identity. Wade’s series of books is intended to reinforce a child’s unconditional self-worth, and awaken their mind to the splendid mysteries hidden in everyday life!

By the time a child reaches the age of 18, they have heard, “DON’T DO” or “DON’T SAY” over 150,000 times!

Interview with Carly Newfeld, The Last Word, KSFR Santa Fe Public Radio, by Carly Newfeld

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